
End of Line blog

Thoughts on software development, by Adam Ruka

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Jilt 1.7 released!

Jilt, my Java library for generating Builder pattern classes, keeps receiving more attention, and thus more feature requests and bug reports. The latest release, 1.7, addresses several raised issues: easier exclusion of the Builder generated code from code coverage, better support for changing the Builder class name with meta-annotations, and a fix for using toBuilder on a class with a private constructor.

Graal Truffle tutorial part 16 – debuggers

In the sixteenth part of the GraalVM Truffle tutorial, we add support for debugging your language using Chrome DevTools.

Running a single JMH benchmark with Gradle

The Gradle build system makes it very easy to use the JMH library to write benchmarks for your Java code. However, one tricky thing when combining Gradle and JMH is the ability to run a single benchmark when invoking your build. In this article, I'll show a simple setup that, with just a few lines of code in your build script, allows you to easily select what benchmark you want to invoke when running your Gradle build.

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